Interchange Blog
Searching for the right words
In today’s NY Times, science reporter Andrew Revkin has a commentary about the challenge of communicating the need for action on climate change. The associated post on Dot Earth, Revkin’s NY Times blog, includes my Desmogblog “100 year letter” and my thoughts on the communicating the urgency of action. If you have any other motivational campaigns or strategies, leave a comment here or at Dot Earth.
Ironically, this year the lake should be solidly frozen by mid-December, but with the recent move out west, I’ll be missing the new year’s tradition mentioned in the letter.
UPDATE: There are some interesting (and a couple crazy) comments after the Dot Earth post. My response was:
“In communicating publicly about climate change, my first instinct is always to talk about the inequality, that the developing world will pay the largest price for a problem largely created by the developed world. (followed by the unfortunate irony that the developed world also has more money to spend on adaptation). Unfortunately – I wish this were not true – opening up with photos from Bangladesh or Kiribati, the Pacific island nation where I have done field work, can lose the audience, for all the reasons cited by the sociologists in the earlier Dot Earth post. So, sometimes it may help to start with a real local or personal example, then talk honestly about how the rest of the world is being and will be affected by climate change.”